Awesome Conferences

SRE is what DevOps wants to be when it grows up

There are two things you can do if you want to understand the future of system administration.

First, if you want to see what DevOps will be like 5-10 years out, you can read the amazing new book, Site Reliability Engineering: How Google Runs Production Systems. I read a preview copy and it was excellent. Many different Google SRE teams got together to produce a very well-rounded book that covers all aspects of Google's SRE program, which is easily 5-10 years ahead of the industry. (Pre-order from O'Reilly or Amazon Kindle or Paper) Congrats to the editors Betsy Beyer, Chris Jones, Jennifer Petoff, and Niall Richard Murphy on a great addition to the IT cannon.

Second, if you want to see what SRE will look like in 30-50 years, you should watch the 2009 movie "Moon" staring Sam Rockwell. Anything I say would be a spoiler, so you'll just have to trust me. (BTW, the trailer is full of spoilers. Don't watch it!)

Congrats to all of Google SRE on the publication of the new O'Reilly book! I predict it will be a big hit! (and thanks for letting me blurb the back cover!)

[P.S. I apologize in advance for the very link-bait'y title. What I mean to say is that Google SRE is devops at an incredible scale.]

Posted by Tom Limoncelli in DevOps

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3 Comments | Leave a comment

Can we hire you to do a 2- or 4-hour talk/course on this?

Thanks for the shout-out Tom, really appreciate it.

Your link to the book seems to be broken by the way!

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