Awesome Conferences

August 2015 Archives

I've been asked to write an article that will be read by people that teach system administration (and people that research how to best teach system administration).

Sadly I'm having writers block. I have too much to say, so I don't know where to start, or how to narrow it down to 1-2 main points.

My solution is to crowdsource this a bit. So...

What would you tell professors that are studying how to best teach system administration? Or, more importantly: If there is one thing such teachers/researchers should be told, what would it be?

Tell in this Google Form (or in the commments, but I'd prefer the form)

Thanks! Tom

Posted by Tom Limoncelli

Ben Rockwood was the guest of Episode 2. He gave a great talk at LISA'14 and we invited him to discuss it, the reaction it got, and what's new in his thinking since. Ben's a funny guy and had a lot of insightful new things to say.

I wasn't able to attend, so Lee Damon cohosted with a great substitute David N. Blank-Edelman. I'll be back next month when Dan Klein will be our guest.

More info about ULC including links to past and present videos is available at the homepage:

Posted by Tom Limoncelli in LISA Conversations

This year's committee has done a bang-up job!

See the entire schedule! Register today!

Posted by Tom Limoncelli

I'll be giving a talk entitled "Safer Puppet in 4 Quick Demos".

Register here:

See you there!

Posted by Tom Limoncelli in AppearancesArchive

We'll be recording Episode 2 of Usenix LISA Conversations on Tuesday (6 days from today).

Our next conversation will be with Ben Rockwood who presented "I Am SysAdmin (And So Can You!)" at LISA14. Watch his talk beforehand, and then join us at 3:30 pm PDT/6:30 pm EDT on Tuesday, August 25, 2015, at the Google Hangout On Air. If you miss the live session, you can view the recording on the USENIX YouTube channel.

This month's host will be Lee Damon and David Blank-Edelman (substituting for me; I'll return next month).

More info about the series can be found on the Usenix LISA Conversations Homepage.

Posted by Tom Limoncelli in LISA Conversations

Q: Why are logs called logs?

A: The name refers to the fact that they are like entries in ship's logbook.

Q: Why is it called a logbook?

A: Because of an amazing bit of nautical history uncovered by Jeff Reffell of the Designcult blog: The secret origin of "log in"

Totally worth the read.

Posted by Tom Limoncelli in Good Reads

[Guest post by Jan Schaumann)

Actually, it's about Ethics in Internet Operations. No, seriously, it actually is.

As mentioned elsewhere, somehow Velocity NY accepted my talk on 'Ethical Obligations in Internet Operations'. In order to help me better understand our profession(s) and to prepare a better talk, I've put together a short, anonymous questionnaire for everybody involved in "Internet Operations".

"Internet Operations" is the term I use here to combine the various ill- or loosely defined job descriptions relating to the general "tech industry" beyond the job of "Programmer". If you write infrastructure code, you are working in "Internet Operations". If you control the network of your organization and who they peer with, you are working in "Internet Operations". If you run a company that influences how non-technical people use the internet, you are working in "Internet Operations". In short, if you're interested in attending Velocity, you're likely working in "Internet Operations".

Please take the five minutes to fill out this form. If you were to also share the link on your social and professional network, that'd be much appreciated, too. And of course, if you have questions or comments, you can email me at [email protected] or contact me on Twitter @jschauma.

Posted by Tom Limoncelli in Guest Post

Episode 1 of "LISA Conversations" is up. In our first episode, we spoke with Todd Underwood about his LISA'13 talk about a Post-Ops World.

What's next?

The next episode will be with Ben Rockwood, where we'll discuss his LISA'14 talk, "I Am SysAdmin (And So Can You!)". You can join the recording live via Google Hangouts On Air on August 25, 2015 at 3:30pm.

For more information about the LISA Conversations series, visit the web page:

Posted by Tom Limoncelli
