Awesome Conferences

First Google Ganeti Conference: GanetiCon 2013

Synnefo has announced the first Google Ganeti Conference: GanetiCon 2013.  They will be co-organizers.  The announcement was first made on the Synnefo blog.

The conference will take place between 3-5 September 2013 in Athens, Greece. The venue and program will be announced soon. Most developers of the Ganeti and Synnefo team will be attending.

The first GanetiCon will be a developer oriented conference. Sessions will be a mix of design talks and discussions about new features and future plans. It will also probably feature an advanced Ganeti workshop, depending on user demand.

The conference is geared towards people interested in:

  • learning how other companies/institutions use Ganeti
  • checking out how large scale Ganeti deployments look like
  • glimpsing the product roadmap of Ganeti
  • contributing to future design of Ganeti
  • obtaining help with specific Ganeti issues

The organizers do not yet have a website. To be kept informed of information as it is available please fill out this form.

I wish them the best of luck!  It sounds like a great conference!

Posted by Tom Limoncelli in Ganeti

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