I'm slowly learning "git". The learning curve is hard at first and gets better as time goes on. (I'm also teaching myself Mercurial, so let's not start a 'which is better' war in the comments).
Reverting a file can be a little confusing in git because git uses a different model than, say, SubVersion. You are in a catch-22 because to learn the model you need to know the terminology. To learn the terminology you need to know the model. I think the best explanations I've read so far have been in the book Pro Git, written by Scott Chacon and published by Apress. Scott put the entire book up online, and for that he deserves a medal. You can also buy a dead-tree version.
How far back do you want to revert a file? To like it was the last time you did a commit? The last time you did a pull? Or revert it back to as it is on the server right now (which might be neither of those)
Revert to like it was when I did my last "git commit":
git checkout HEAD -- file1 file2 file3
Revert to like it was when I did my last "pull":
git checkout FETCH_HEAD -- file1 file2 file3
Revert to like it is on the server right now:
git fetch
git checkout FETCH_HEAD -- file1 file2 file3
How do these work?
The first thing you need to understand is that HEAD
is an alias for the last time you did "git commit".
is an alias for the last time you did a "git fetch". "git fetch" pulls the lastest release from the server, but hides it away. It does not merge it into your workspace. "git merge" merges the recently fetched files into your current workspace. "git pull" is simply a fetch followed by a merge. I didn't know about "git fetch" for a long time; I happily used "git pull" all the time.
You can set up aliases in your ~/.gitconfig
file. They act exactly like real git commands. Here are the aliases I have:
br = branch
st = status
co = checkout
revert-file = checkout HEAD --
revert-file-server = checkout FETCH_HEAD --
lg = log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative
This means I can do git br
instead of "git branch", saving me a lot of typing. git revert-file file1 file2 file3
is just like the first example above. git revert-file-server
is a terrible name, but it basically diffs between the last fetch and my current workspace. git lg
outputs a very pretty log of recent changes (I stole that from someone who probably stole it from someone else. Don't ask me how it works).
To add these aliases on your system, find or add a [alias] stanza to your ~/.gitconfig
file and add them there.
git was much easier for me to understand if i understood how it works. (this is totally not true at all with svn or p4 - i could be functional by spending 15-30 minutes reading up on syntax.) a useful guide for that: git-for-computer-scientists