While writing the book, Chris was doing a PhD in Aeronautical Engineering at Imperial College London. With the PhD complete, she is now starting work at the Sauber Formula 1 motor racing team as an Aerodynamicist.
Awesome Conferences
- Mar 3-4, 2020: DevOpsDays New York City, NYC, NY, USA
- Dec 7-9, 2020: Usenix SREcon20 Americas, Virtual
Career change for Chris
Mar. 21 2004
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Woo-hoo! Congrats! So that's where the aerospace engineers are going to work these days! I graduated with a Bachelor's in Aerospace Engineering from Georgia Tech in 1993--but have since become a computer geek by trade.
You started with computer geekery (or at least system administration) and now you're in aeronautics.
Funny world!