Awesome Conferences

Next nycdevops meetup: Kubernetes Informers (Wed, June 19)

Robert Ross (a.k.a. Bobby Tables) will be the speaker at the next nycdevops meetup on Wed, une 19, 2019.

Full details and RSVP info:

NOTE: Different day and location!

  • Title: Staying Informed with Kubernetes Informers
  • Speaker: Robert Ross (Bobby Tables) from FireHydrant
  • Date: Wed, June 19, 2019
  • Location: Compass, 90 Fifth Ave, New York, NY 10011

Kubernetes state is changing all the time. Pods are being created. Deployments are adding more replicas. Load balancers are being created from services. All of these things can happen without anyone noticing. But sometimes we need to notice, however, for when we need to react to such events. What if we need to push the change to an audit log? When if we want to inform a Slack room about a new deployment? In Kubernetes, this is possible with the informers that are baked into the API and Go client. In this talk we'll learn how informers work, and how to receive updates when resources change using a simple Go application.


Bobby is the founder of, and also previously worked as a staff software engineer at Namely, and also built things at DigitalOcean. He likes bleeding edge tech and making software that helps teams build better better systems. From deploying Spinnaker, Istio, and Kubernetes, he has cursed at a lack of docs and code spelunked through the code and loves telling the war stories about them.

Full details and RSVP info:

Posted by Tom Limoncelli in NYCDevOps Meetup

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