LISA this year is in Nashville, TN, Oct 29-31, 2018. The full schedule is up! Registration is open!
Three things you should know:
This year Usenix LISA will be 3 days long, instead of the usual 7. This makes it easier to attend, and more focused. I think this is a really good direction for LISA.
The schedule is awesome. I got super excited while reading the schedule. All the talks seemed to be much more focused and a greater emphasis on cutting edge topics and things I want to learn about but haven't had time to study.
I have discount codes. The first five people that email me will get a 5 percent discount code. Send email to tal at whatexit dot org with the subject "DISCOUNT LISA". These are a special thank you to the readers of my blog.
I'm speaking on Tuesday. (Bonus item). I'll be giving a new talk about reforming your operations team on Tuesday. Hope to see you in the audience!
Register soon!