The NYC DevOps meetup is trying something new in February: Tiny Talks. Tiny talks are short, 5-10 minute talks usually presented by members. They can be basically any topic related to DevOps. The idea is to encourage local members to present at meetings.
We'll be doing this for our first time at the February 21, 2017 NYCDevOps meetup. You are encouraged to sign up here (though we won't be strict if you show up with a presentation.)
From the website:
Tiny talks are 5-10 minute talks on any DevOps-related topic. We want to encourage everyone to submit a proposal. NYCDevOps is a community that shares. Tiny Talks don't have to be polished or fancy. These are short talks, making it easy for beginners and experienced people alike. We hope to have 3-4 presentations.
If you think you can't give a talk, here's a formula to start you off: (1) Use a title like: "In the last 6 months something I learned about X was Y". (2) Create 1-3 slides about what you learned. (3) The talk only has to be a few minutes long... Q&A will fill the rest of the time. For example, "In the last 6 months I learned that TerraForm breaks in [situation], here's why."
We'll have time for 2-3 Tiny Talks, so speaking slots will be first come first serve.
Hope to see you there!
Remember to RSVP!
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