Awesome Conferences

February 2015 Archives

As previously blogged, if you are in the Baltimore area, check out the Baltimore LOPSA chapter meeting ("Crabby Admins") on Wednesday, March 4th when I'll be talking about my new book, The Practice of Cloud System Administration.

Even if you have zero interest in "the cloud", I assure you this talk will be relevant to you.

More info here.

(The meetings are at the office of OmniTI, in Fulton, MD)

I'll be a keynote speaker at Utah State University's "Partners In Business" Information Technology Conference, on Thursday, February 26, 2015. If you work in IT in the Utah area, check out this excellent conference!

For more information, visit:

My open source project BlackBox is now available in the MacPorts collection. If you use MacPorts, simply type "sudo port install vcs_blackbox". There was already a package called "blackbox" so I had to call it something else.

Blackbox is a set of bash scripts that let you safely store secrets in a VCS repo (i.e. Git, Mercurial, or Subversion) using Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG). For more info, visit the homepage:

I'm looking for volunteers to maintain packages for Brew, Debian, and other package formats. If you are looking to learn how to make packages, this is a good starter project and will help people keep their files secure. Interested? Contact me by email open an issue in Github.

Posted by Tom Limoncelli in Blackbox

Usenix has announced the schedule for the second SREcon and the big surprise is that it is now 2 days long. The previous SREcon was a single day.

I wasn't able to attend last year's conference but I read numerous conference reports that were all enthusiastic about the presentations (you can see them online... I highly recommend the keynote).

I'm excited to also announce that my talk proposal was accepted. It is a case study of our experiences adopting SRE techniques at The full description is here.

I've heard the hotel is nearly full (or full), so register fast and book your room faster. More info about the conference is on the Usenix web site:

See you there!

Posted by Tom Limoncelli in ConferencesSpeaking

I don't get to California often so I'm excited to announce that I'll be the speaker at the March meeting of BayLISA. For more info check out their MeetUp page: I'll be talking about our new book, The Practice of Cloud System Administration.

Update 2015-03-07: Changed location to Mountain View.

[This is not directly about system administration but it is of interest to many system administrators.]

The Northeast Conference on Science and Skepticism (NECSS) announced that world-renowned science educator Bill Nye will headline NECSS 2015. In addition to giving the conference keynote address on Saturday afternoon, he will be the special guest star of Friday night's SGU Skeptical Extravaganza (a special show open to both conference attendees and the general public) and sign copies of his latest book, Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation.

Bill will join the existing speaker lineup, which is quite impressive.

NECSS is a four-day celebration of science and critical thinking held each year in New York City. Speakers include leading scientists, educators, activists, and performers from a variety of disciplines.

I've been going for years. I've already registered for 2015. I hope to see you there!

More information here:

Posted by Tom Limoncelli

My co-worker Peter Grace will be the speaker at the Thursday, March 5, 2015 LOPSA-NJ meeting. His topic will be: "Systems Log Aggregation using ElasticSearch/LogSt­ash/Kibana"

For more info:

The meetings are near Princeton, in lovely Lawrenceville, NJ.

Don't forget to RSVP!

Posted by Tom Limoncelli

Registration is open for the Cascadia IT Conference 2015 in Seattle, WA on March 13-14, 2015. Cascadia is a regional conference, but people travel from all over to attend. Why? Because it is worth it.

I'll be teaching 2 tutorials on Friday and giving a talk on Saturday morning.

The tutorials are:

  • Time Management for Busy Devs and Ops
  • How To Not Get Paged: Managing Oncall to Reduce Outages

On Saturday morning I'll be giving a talk called "Live Upgrades on Running Systems: 8 Ways to Upgrade a Running Service with Zero Downtime". This will be a condensed version of what I taught at LISA 2014.

There are lots of other great talks too. View the complete schedule and register today.

Seating is limited and based on a first-come, first-served basis. If you are interested in attending either of my tutorials, please register early.

[Update 2015-02-20: The tutorials I'll be teaching has been revised.]

Posted by Tom Limoncelli

Tom will be the speaker at the Wed, Feb 11, 2015 meeting of the Bucks County DevOps Meetup, which meets in New Hope PA. I'll be talking about our new book, The Practice of Cloud System Administration.

For more info:

I'll be speaking at the Bucks County DevOps meetup this Wednesday. If you are in the New Hope, PA area, please don't miss this! I don't get out to Pennsylvania very often!

