Awesome Conferences

LOPSA-East 2014: Full of DevOps and other great stuff!

The LOPSA-East talks schedule was published yesterday. It is broken into 4 tracks: DevOps, Infrastructure, Career Development and "General". I'm impressed! The DevOps Track has a lot of good culture talks, best practices, and big names like Mandi Walls. The Infrastructure Track has case studies as well as talks about how to do it yourself. The Professional/Career Talks Track has a mix of sessions for both junior and senior people. The "General" Track has a huge diversity: network (the hardware kind), networking (the community kind), "lightning talks" and more.

There's also a lot of excellent training classes, which I'll write about in another post. Plus there will be 2 keynote speakers announced soon.

Registration is open! Sign up today!

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Posted by Tom Limoncelli in LOPSA-East

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