Awesome Conferences

Boston Area Sysadmins: BBLISA Looking for Lightning Talks!

Would you like to do a lightning talk at the next BBLISA meeting?

[ This message comes from Matt Simmons at the Standalone Sysadmin blog. ]

Do you love lightning talks? Because I love lightning talks.

When I found out that the DC DevOps group had an entire meeting dedicated to lightning talks, I was jealous. I mentioned the idea to John, Adam, and crew of BBLISA, and they liked it. Of course, when you volunteer an idea, you volunteer /for/ that idea, too, so if you look at the BBLISA Calendar (, you'll see my name organizing the April meeting. Fun, right?

OK, so here's the plan.

For the April 10, 2013 meeting, I want somewhere between 9 and 12 five-minute lightning talks, which you'll know is around an hour if you're good at quick math. After the lightning talks are over, I want do a "round table" type discussion, where we talk about the interesting things that we heard, and we can get more information on some of the topics. I think it's the best part of lightning talks (being exposed to crazy new ideas) and what always happens after lightning talks (people crowding around the presenters they saw so they can ask questions and learn more). But this way, we all get to learn more.

Here's what I need, though. Lightning talks (obviously?). I need you (yes, you the person reading this message) to give a lightning talk. It's super easy. It's literally five minutes or less of you geeking out about something that you love. If you would come up to your friends and geek out for five minutes about something, then that's all I'm asking you to do now. It's just that your friends are BBLISA, in this case. It's also really great practice if you signed up for a lightning talk at LOPSA-East (

To make this easier, I created a Google Form:

Just fill out the form. I'll get it, and I'll be in touch to answer any questions or concerns.

The meeting is scheduled for April 10th, and socialization starts at 7pm. We're in MIT E-51, Room 315 ( or, if you want directions,

Please take a second to figure out what you'd like to present on, fill out the form, and come present. I'd love to hear about your idea, and I know everyone else would, too.


Matt Simmons

-- BBLISA was founded in July 1992 to provide a forum for meetings and presentations of interest to system and network administrators in Boston, MA, and the surrounding areas.

Attendance at meetings is free, and everyone is welcome.

Posted by Tom Limoncelli in Community

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