Awesome Conferences

PICC '12 planning committee needs YOU!

Interested in helping make PICC '12 happen?

The committee is the most fun group of people I've planned a conference with. If you live within 500 miles of New Brunswick, NJ we'd love for you to help out.

Commitment is about an hour a week plus a short phone conference call every other Monday at 8pm.

Here's some typical volunteer tasks: (we'll ask you to pick one)

  • Forward our mailings to user groups' mailing lists (The hard part is making sure it actually went out!)
  • Someone to maintain our Facebook/LinkedIn/Twitter presences.
  • Invent new ways to get the word out about the conference.
  • Take meeting minutes so the chair can focus on running the meetings.
  • Email famous people (or semi-famous computer geeks) and ask them to submit talk proposals.
  • Pick a potential sponsor, reach out to them about being a sponsor.
  • Website updates (we have a website, we just need occasional edits)
  • Coordinate the people reaching out to sponsors.
  • Design flyers, posters, etc. (Photoshop or The Gimp experience?)
  • Sysadmin-like things like website account management.

As you can see, none of these tasks are difficult but it takes a lot of people all doing a little bit to make a conference. (Kind of like how a bit open source project works)

I like working on PICC because of all the people I meet. That's what makes it fun.

The Jan 16 meeting is our "Kick off" for the new year. It's a really good time to get involved.

Interested? If you are, send email to [email protected]

Thanks! Tom

Posted by Tom Limoncelli in ConferencesLOPSA

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