Awesome Conferences

The only place to attend my all-new "Time Management for Teams" class is LISA 2010

The tutorial I'm teaching at Usenix LISA (San Jose, CA, November 7-12, 2010) Monday afternoon is totally new material: "Advanced Time Management: Team Efficiency"

When I say "totally new", I mean it.

  1. New material. This is material I've never put in books, articles, blog posts or given talks about at other conferences.
  2. New topic. The last 3-4 years I've been repeating tutorials that I've taught before with one exception that was 40% a rehash of my older stuff.
  3. New format. Thanks to the pervasiveness of wifi and laptops at LISA, this tutorial will have in-class exercises. It will be a mix of lectures, demos, and in-class exercises.

This is a LISA-2010 exclusive. I'm reducing my conference attendance for a few year so this may be the only chance you have to attend.

The class is on Monday afternoon. Monday morning I'm teaching an upgraded version of "Time Management for System Administrators" class which is a good precursor to the afternoon class.

LISA runs from Sunday to Friday but a lot of people skip the first day or two. If you are making plans to come to LISA (and September is a good month to start talking it up with your manager), make sure your travel arrangements include being at the conference Monday.

Read the complete tutorial description.

The sooner you register, the more discounts are available!

Posted by Tom Limoncelli in Conferences

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