If you study system administrators and are interested in presenting a paper about it, don't forget that the deadline for CHIMIT '10 is July 3, 2010. (The conference is Nov 12-13, 2010)
People study system administrators? Yes! They do. They want to know how we communicate, how we work, and what tools we use and what tools we dislike.
What is CHIMIT? CHI (Computer-Human Interaction) is the area of research that studies how people interact with computers. For example, usability research falls under the academic category of CHI. CHIMIT is an annual conference for CHI researcher for the Management of Information Technology.
What is CHIMIT '10? It is a conference! The next one is in San Jose, CA from November 12-13, 2010. Is it nearby to where the Usenix LISA conference is held, making it easy to attend both. It is an ACM conference in cooperation with Usenix and SIGCHI.
Can I attend if I'm not a researcher? Absolutely. In fact, we want system administrators to attend. Researchers want to interact with us. Also, it's fun to watch them present about us. The education goes both ways. (and the conference usually has a panel of sysadmins)
Flyer about the conference: flyer in PDF form
More info about the conference: http://www.chimit10.org
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