Awesome Conferences

Tom + Strata @ LISA '06 in Wash D.C., Dec 3-8, 2006

Tom and Strata be teaching and speaking at LISA 2006 in Washington D.C., Dec 3-9, 2006. This is one of our favorite conferences of the year because it is so dam useful. Get your boss to send ya. This year it is in Washington D.C., which makes it easy to get to for all the east-coasters that usually don't get around.

Tom will be speaking/teaching:

Mon9am-5pmWorkshopManaging Sysadmins (co-facilitator)
Wed2pm-3:30Invited TalkSite Reliability at Google/My First Year at Google
ThuAMTutorialTime Management: Getting It All Done and Not Going (More) Crazy!
Thu12:30pm-1:30pmExhibition"Meet the Authors" at Reiter's Conference Bookstore
Thu2pm-3:30Guru TalkHow to Get Your Paper Accepted at LISA
Thu4pm-5:40Guru TalkTime Management for System Administrators
Fri11am-12:30Hit The
Mac OS X

Strata Rose Chalup will be speaking/teaching:

MonPMTutorialProject Troubleshooting
WedPMTutorialProblem-Solving for IT Professionals
ThuAMTutorialPractical Project Management for Sysadmins and IT Professionals
Wed9pm-10pmBOFSysadmin Education

In addition, we will be hanging out in what is known as "the hallway track". In fact, if you haven't attended LISA before, you should know that a lot of the educational value is the people you meet. Tom says, "Early in my career a lot of what I learned was from the conversations in the hallway."
